One way that massage therapists are using TENS machine is during the process of Deep Tissue Massage. This is a form of massage therapy that utilizes tiny electrodes that are placed on specific points in the body. The patient is then made to lie down on a table, and the therapist uses the electrical stimulation to help the individual to relax his or her muscles. This is a good way to reduce stress and increase the overall range of motion for the muscles being worked upon. Click for more details about
Another way that this is used is in treating conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other similar conditions. TENS machine is actually an electronic device that is composed of two different pieces. One part is the actual unit that are placed in the hands of the patient, and the other is a small collection of electrodes that are attached to pads that are placed on different pressure points on the body. The electrical impulses that come from these pads excite the muscles being worked upon, causing a sensation of tingling sensation in those areas where the electrodes are placed.
This technology was actually discovered a number of years ago, but it was a long time before it was actually utilized on any large scale. At the time, it was considered a bit of a luxury for most therapists. It took a long time for manufacturers to be able to successfully mass produce the electrical units that were going to be used on this particular application. Some companies managed to get it to work on a limited basis, but the demand for TENS machines quickly outgrew the manufacturing capabilities of the companies that were developing them. The good news is that TENS machines can now be purchased on the commercial market, and you may find that you are able to purchase one for much less money than you would have been able to if you had purchased a conventional electrical unit for your therapist.
There are a number of different applications for TENS machines, including physical therapy. A physical therapist can use a TENS machine when he or she is helping patients to move from one position to another. If you have ever seen someone get up from a seated, cross legged position, then you know that the muscles can become very stiff after some time. By applying sufficient pressure to the muscle through the tens machine, the therapist can help the patient to more easily manage the tension that is building up in their muscles.
TENS machine can also be used by physical therapists to help patients alleviate some of the symptoms of arthritis. Because TENS provides a gentle, constant source of direct electrical stimulation to the area under treatment, it can significantly reduce the amount of discomfort that is felt by the patient. It is extremely important for a physical therapist to be skilled in the use of TENS machines, because they must be trained in interpreting the data that is displayed on the machine. Even though it has been decades since people began to use TENS machines to provide relief for their pain, many doctors and therapists are still learning how to use them effectively.
If you or a member of your family has experienced any type of back pain, then you may have already used a TENS machine at some point. The good news is that the more physical therapists, physicians, and home care providers are using TENS to provide pain relief to their patients. If you or someone you know suffers from back pain, then you should consider having a back pain machine fitted with a TENS feature. Your physical therapist will be able to teach you how to use the machine properly in order to receive the most benefit from it. After regular use, you may find that using a TENS machine could be a great way to reduce your back pain.
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